Returning Materials

Return all materials charged out to you to the Circulation Desk. When the desk is unattended, deposit items in the book drop by the library entrance.
Items left at an unattended Circulation Desk, on study tables or other unsecured locations are your responsibility, and you will be billed for them if they are lost.
“Claims Returned”
If you are notified that an item is overdue or subject to billing, but believe that you returned it, ask staff to check the shelves for that item. If it is not on the shelf, you will be held responsible for item replacement.


Suspension of Privileges

Borrowing privileges are suspended when an overdue item is marked as lost in our system.

Reserve items are marked lost 5 days after their due date

Non-reserve items are marked lost 10 days after their due date

A suspension is lifted once the lost item is returned in its original condition.


Lost or Damaged Items

You are responsible for the replacement of lost or damaged items. Items must be returned in good condition without evidence of defacement, mutilation, or water damage. You will be billed for the cost of the lost or damaged item plus a processing fee of $25. A default price, ranging from $150 for books to $800 for laptops, per item appears on the lost notice. The true cost will be reflected on the Lost Item Bill.  In lieu of paying for the replacement, you may also purchase an exact copy and bring it to the circulation desk. 


Report lost or damaged items as soon as possible.  Returning a lost item will remove all fees associated with that item.


Payment for Lost Items

The PCOM Library accepts credit and debit card payments (including Visa, Master Card, American Express, and Discover).


Sharing Borrowing Privileges

All items charged out in your name are your responsibility. For this reason, you should not check-out materials for someone else.


Returns & Renewals

All materials should be renewed or returned on time. Return materials to a Circulation Desk staff member or deposit them in the book drop to ensure their secure return.

Are You Graduating?

Students must return all library materials and pay any outstanding library fees prior to graduation. Failure to do so will result in a hold placed on your university account that will prevent you from receiving your diploma or academic transcripts.
Payments may be made by credit or debit card, in-person or via phone anytime the library is staffed.
You may also call the Circulation Desk to inquire about the status of your account.
Philadelphia Circulation Desk: 215-871-6470
Suwanee Circulation Desk: 678-225-7543
Moultrie Circulation Desk: 229-668-3142